Online Filing
We work closely with our clients to thoroughly understand their specific needs and subsequently tailor our strategies accordingly.
Our Advisory services offer Risk and Management Consulting, we help in building strategies and customized recommendations to help you work smarter, stay competitive, and grow faster.
H-Way provides expert recommendations, options, and strategies to help business owners achieve their financial and operational goals.
H-Way Tax offers a wide range of tax services, from personal tax to corporate tax and tax advisory
Tax planning and compliance processes, engage in discussions around tax, manage complex transactions, and add value to your business.
Our professionals understand that Tax cannot be avoided and take pride in implementing minimalization strategies and tax deferral plans, reducing the tax liability faced by clients in both personal and corporate environments.
Our goals are to protect our clients, boost performance, help with online transformation process.
We provide:
Personal tax planning
Preparation of tax returns for corporations and individuals
Corporate tax planning
HST/GST Filing service
Our accounting services is designed to help businesses manage their financial accounting. This involves bookkeeping, tracking payments, generating invoices, and financial reporting. We serve as a central location where businesses can store and process financial data, track income and expenses, manage taxes, and assess their overall financial status.
We can also help in Open or manage a payroll account, Setting up and manage employee payroll information, Calculating payroll deductions and contributions, Remitting (paying) payroll deductions and contributions, and Filing information returns (slips and summaries)